Thursday, September 04, 2008

Jesus was a Community Organizer, and Pontius Pilate was a Governor

(Sorry, it's gonna be like this for a while...)

Two different things.

First, please go read this: What a Community Organizer Does.  Sarah Palin felt compelled to mock Obama's years of community service. This article responds better than I could. 

Next, what is behind the attempt to tag Obama as an "Elite". I have no idea how a kid goes from being born to a too-young mother, raised by that mother and her parents, to earning his way into Harvard, to working for his adopted community in Chicago - and that's 'elitism'. Whereas McCain, son and grandson of Navy Admirals, marrying into wealth, is living the American dream.
So, how do you get Elite out of Obama's background? Harvard is definetly elite, but he earned it. It wasn't a legacy appointment. And he took the advantage implicit in attending Harvard and gave back to the community. (see above).

Maybe 'elite' is code for uppity.
"Just from what little I’ve seen of her and Mr. Obama, Sen. Obama, they're a member of an elitist-class individual that thinks that they're uppity," Westmoreland said.
"Westmoreland" is a U.S. Congressman! It just goes to show you, you only need a few votes to make it to the national stage.

(After first posting this, I ran across the perfect title for the post, from here)


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