Thursday, January 31, 2008

Going Tribal

An interesting thing about the presidential election this year is that the candidates aren't all old white guys. (You probably noticed that, clever folk that you are.)

For the first time we're reading about the implications of candidates drawing from 'their' tribe or losing votes from those not in their tribe.  Will the women stick with Hillary?  As the wife of our first black president, will African Americans stick with her? Or switch to one of their 'own'. Are Latinos antipathetic towards blacks and as such more inclined to vote Clinton over Obama now that Richardson is gone?
Interesting times.


Blogger fiat lux said...

I don't get the Latino antipathy towards Obama. One of the MSNBC talking heads tonight suggested that it was because mothers play such a dominant role in Latino culture that they feel more comfortable with HRC. Whether that's true or not I have no idea. It's certainly a more palatable option than some of the alternatives.

10:33 PM  

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