Friday, June 03, 2005

Mark Felt; Hero

Ken Duberstein was a Reagan Chief of Staff and currently runs (we must assume) a conservative leaning Washington lobbying firm.

The Huffington Post: "Duberstein said that, in reading all the media reports of the last few days, he put himself back in his shoes as White House chief of staff. He thought, with the information Felt had in front of him, 'What options did he have?' 'He couldn't go to the White House Chief of Staff (Haldeman or Ehrlichman); he couldn't go to the Justice Department (John Mitchell); he couldn't go to the White House Counsel (John Dean). He did something responsible. The congressional committees hadn't been formed yet. What do you do? Felt put America first.'"

In case you are new to Watergate, all of the President's men mentioned in that paragraph went to prison for their various Watergate related deeds.

I don't watch news on TV (unless there is a natural disaster to learn up on), so this is second hand, but apparently the Nixon apologists are hard at Mark Felt, accusing him of traitorous behavior. Wait, I found a link.

It is just incredible.


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