Monday, April 04, 2005

La Vida Robot

Wired 13.04: La Vida Robot: "How four underdogs from the mean streets of Phoenix took on the best from M.I.T. in the national underwater bot championship."

An article from Wired that sort of explains why I think everyone should have access to higher education and not just the elites.

That's not much of an issue for most Americans, I think. But to those still appreciative of the benefits of class, it might be.


Blogger John said...

As the Old Lorettonian to whom this is directed let me be the first to post a comment.

First, at least one American, (oh, and this one makes two) worries about elites.

I think you've made a semanically subtle change in your position since we discussed this at lunch. I, too, have no quarrel about everyone having access to higher education. Your position at lunch was that there should ultimately be no standards, so that anyone could get into an institute of higher learning of some description. (Sure, not everyone can get into Stanford, but that's why we have Cal State.) What you were describing at lunch sounded to me like moving the age at which the state be obliged to offer education to 21.

But if you're just talking about access, then that's different. If you have the grades there is a tremendous amount of money available right now, if not in the form of outright grants (although there's a lot of that, more than most people realize), but also in the form of loans. It's not quite the same as the "free" system that guarrantees every child an education through 12th Grade, but it's close.

Or did I misunderstand you again? (It's probably the accent.)

4:27 PM  
Blogger John said...

I read the article last night and was quite moved. But it raised more questions. These four are all undocumented aliens - their parents smuggled them into the US from Mexico.
I think your country is pretty generous already to educate them through High School gratis. Are you suggesting that the handout should be extended through university?
(BTW. You can donate to their scholarship fund here. I just gave 'em $25.)

10:23 AM  
Blogger Lee said...

One doesn't, currently, have to be a citizen of this country to attend college here. One does have to be here legally. I'd rather that were an easier thing to accomplish.

It was good of you to contribute ;my work here is done.

10:38 AM  

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