Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Thai Chicken Dish

This recipe was recommended by Julie Steele and it's on a bottle of Red Curry Paste in real small type. This entry is to get it into a larger font.

1 14 oz. Coconut milk.
1 tsp of Red Curry Paste (if you're nuts! I use 1/4 tsp.)

Simmer these two for 5 minutes and then add

1/4 cup fresh basil (I did this the first time and not since. Peasant that I am, I didn't miss it. You might.)
1/4 cup bamboo shoots (never did this.)
3 Tbsp Fish Sauce
2 Tbsp Brown Sugar
1/3 cup chicken stock
8 o.z. 'of your favorite vegetables, chicken, meat or tofu

Ok, this last one is where we add chopped cleaned chicken breast (I'm trying thighs tonight) and diced tofu, a can of whole straw mushrooms and a can of baby corn.

This all gets simmered for 10-15 minutes, I always let it go 15 or so, it seems to takethat long to do the chicken.

While all this is going on, make up about 3 cups of rice in the cooker.

The recipe says it serves 2, but I've always had leftovers when serving 3-4.


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