Saturday, March 26, 2005

Andrew Sullivan recommends Bill Buckley

: "SANITY FROM BUCKLEY: Another calm and decent column from William F. Buckley Jr. When you read him - an unimpeachable source for what was once the conservative movement - you begin to realize what a crew of zealots and charlatans now occupy the conservative pedestal. But they will fall soon enough. And the hysteria they are now creating will only accelerate their collapse."

Hopefully the Mujahideen of the American Religious Right are imploding. Or rather, the American public might take a step back and realize what they're being spoon-fed.

Or not. Also found on Sullivan's site is this link to a piece written by Diamond Bill Bennett basically suggesting that the separation of powers is only binding until the mullahs have spoken.

In Marbury vs Madison the Supreme Court first established its supremacy in determining the constitutionality of legislation.

Courts rule, legislators drool.


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